"Ashes in the Ocean" is going on a blog tour!
Ashes in the Ocean
This month, several bloggers around the world will be posting their thoughts and reviews of "Ashes in the Ocean." Our Side of Suicide, a resource blog for suicide survivors, will also be featuring a guest post about "The Stigma of Suicide." You can follow along each day, starting March 26 to see what they thought. Feel free to leave your own thoughts and comments in the posts.
Monday, March 26th @ The Muffin: The Muffin will host an author interview and book giveaway for the inspirational memoir by Sebastian Slovin. http://muffin.wow-womenonwriting.com/
Tuesday, March 27th @ Book Santa Fe with Dawn Farnsworth: Join readers at Book Santa Fe as they hear from Dawn Farnsworth while she reviews Sebastian Slovin’s memoir. http://www.booksantafe.info/booksantafeblog/
Wednesday, March 28th @ Choices with Madeline Sharples: Fellow suicide survivor Madeline Sharples reviews Sebastian Slovin’s memoir, Ashes in the Ocean; A son's story of living through and learning from his father's suicide. http://madelinesharples.com/
Thursday, March 29th @ Bring on Lemons with Alison Taylor: Wisconsin educator and mother, Alison Taylor reviews Sebastian Slovin’s moving memoir, Ashes in the Ocean; A son's story of living through and learning from his father's suicide. http://bringonlemons.blogspot.com/
Friday, March 30th @ Our Side of Suicide: Sebastian Slovin pens today’s guest post “The Stigma of Suicide” at Our Side of Suicide. Stop by and learn more about Slovin’s personal and touching memoir, Ashes in the Ocean; A son's story of living through and learning from his father's suicide. http://www.oursideofsuicide.com/
Monday, April 2nd @ Jerry Waxler: Jerry Waxler, fellow memoirist, reviews Sebastian Slovin’s deeply touching memoir, Ashes in the Ocean; A son's story of living through and learning from his father's suicide. https://www.jerrywaxler.com/
Monday, April 2nd @ Memoir Writer’s Journey with Kathleen Pooler: Kathleen Pooler shares her thoughts with readers at Memoir Writer’s Journey as she reviews Sebastian Slovin’s moving and inspiring memoir, Ashes in the Ocean; A son's story of living through and learning from his father's suicide. https://krpooler.com/
Tuesday, April 3rd @ Bella Donnas Books with Dawn Thomas: Dawn Thomas reviews Ashes in the Ocean; A son's story of living through and learning from his father's suicide for readers at Bella Donnas Books. https://belladonnasbooks.com/
Wednesday, April 4th @ Bring on Lemons with Michelle DelPonte:Wisconsin mother and autism advocate Michelle DelPonte was eager to read Sebastian Slovin’s touching and inspirational memoir. Stop at Bring on Lemons as Michelle shares her thoughts after reading Ashes in the Ocean; A son's story of living through and learning from his father's suicide. http://bringonlemons.blogspot.com/
Thursday, April 5th @ World of My Imagination with Nicole Pyles: Nicole Pyles reviews Ashes in the Ocean; A son's story of living through and learning from his father's suicide and shares her thoughts with readers at World of My Imagination. Learn more about this touching memoir and it’s author Sebastian Slovin. http://theworldofmyimagination.blogspot.com/
Friday, April 6th @To Write or Not to Write: Sreevarsha Sreejith reviews Ashes in the Ocean; A son's story of living through and learning from his father's suicide.Don't miss this opportunity to hear from Sreevarsha and visit To Write or Not to Write. http://sreevarshasreejith.blogspot.co.at/
Friday, April 6th @Bring on Lemons with Crystal Casavant-Otto: Crystal J. Casavant-Otto reviews Sebastian Slovin’s memoir Ashes in the Ocean; A son's story of living through and learning from his father's suicide. http://bringonlemons.blogspot.com/
Monday, April 9th @ Finished Pages with Renee Roberson: Fellow author Renee Roberson reviews Sebastian Slovin’s memoir Ashes in the Ocean; A son's story of living through and learning from his father's suicide. http://finishedpages.com/
Tuesday, April 10th @ Book Reviews by Deb with Deborah Blanchard: Deb shares her thoughts with her readers after reading Sebastian Slovin’s memoir Ashes in the Ocean; A son's story of living through and learning from his father's suicide. https://www.facebook.com/Reviews-by-Deb-1737715249887520/
Wednesday, April 11th @ Write Happy with Catherine Brown: Catherine Brown reviews Sebastian Slovin's touching and empowering memoir for readers at Write Happy. Don't miss this opportunity learn more about Ashes in the Ocean; A son's story of living through and learning from his father's suicide. https://www.writehappy.net/blog